Thought I would tell you all a little bit about a friend of mine from college's clothing line. My buddy Andrew Sarnecki, who I met my freshman year at Notre Dame, started his company HippyTree a few years after we graduated. Andrew was a graphic design major at ND and after finishing school, moved back to Los Angeles where he grew up. He worked for a little bit as a designer at Body Glove until he decided to go off on his own. Awesome clothes and amazing designs are a part of this unique, eco-conscious company and while it is tough to find the HippyTree line here in Chicago, you can for sure order some cool stuff online. For those of you who know me well and have seen that green tree on the back bumper of my car, now you know what it stands for! If you want to be fashionable and walk around Chi-city in some clothes that probably no one around here is wearing, check out Andrew's clothing line and help support a good friend of mine. HippyTree!!