Thursday, June 21, 2007

Teaching Thursdays

I thought I would make Thursdays a teaching day. My little brother said Teaching Tuesdays sounds better, and while I agree, today is Thursday and I want to teach tonight. I am going to start out with something that everyone has always wanted to know. Solving Rubik's Cube. I recently found one here at my place and started learning how to figure it out. The first few steps are not that hard, but it does get tougher as you get further along. As with anything, practice makes perfect though and if you don't pick it up for a few weeks, you can lose a lot of the moves. I will put this video here that gives some good steps on how to solve the cube. Time to start flexing your brain muscle.

Got it? If not, here is another 'more detailed' version that will start you from the beginning. There is a sequence of videos that follows (steps 2 thru 6 are in the related video section) and I think it does a good job of explaining everything. Good luck!

1 comment:

Todd H said...

blogger drew,

one of my friends is a speed cuber. once attended the midwest regional speed cubing tourney out in schaumberg. even bought a shirt. his personal best is 25 seconds. crazy stuff. btw i think the cube you found may be mine. i hear the secret is some WD40 to loosen up your cube.
