Thursday, August 30, 2007

Television and Commercial

All right, well tonight I am going to talk a little bit about some current classic television and a current classic commercial. Now I am in no way an expert in either field, but what I am sure is that I know pretty terrific stuff when I see it. With regards to television, for those of you who have not seen Flight of the Conchords, you are missing out on some of the best television around. Take two New Zealanders, Bret and Jemaine, who are not the brightest guys, their kooky manager Murray, an obsessed fan Mel, and you have a pretty hilarious story of a band trying to make it big in New York City. Each episode has a plotline and involves the Conchords performing at least one song. One of my favorites is "If You're Into It." There are a ton of their other songs on Youtube and so browse around a little. Just classic! And if you get a chance, check out the show, you won't be disappointed.
As for my favorite commercial right now, there is nothing better than the Geico Warren Wallace commercials. So funny! There are a couple of them out there so look for them the next time you turn on the tube. The intensity of Warren Wallace is just something you don't see these days! What a badass.....


Kyle Long said...

A great commercial no doubt... I think my current favorites are the T-Mobile Fav Five commercial where the guys ringtone is "secret lover" along with the new Cingular Commercial with Roger Clemens...

cas said...

Flight of the Conchords is awesome. I love "Inner City Pressure".

Betsy Shea said...

Who is this Drew Brennan character????