Sunday, December 28, 2008

My new favorite clothing company was started by two guys from Cleveland. Wrath Arcane is one of the slickest lines of clothing I have come across in a long time. There are a couple of places here in Chicago to get their stuff, but it can be hard to find. And unfortunately it is not the cheapest either. Wrath Arcane has an interesting way of showing their clothes as they mask the models' faces as they want the focus to be on the clothes, not the models. Check it out....

Lastly, here is one of my top five favorite songs of all time. Enjoy!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

March 17th, a great day to be Irish, that is for sure. Corned beef, cabbage, Irish music, Guinness, what better way to celebrate one of the most fun holidays? In Chicago, the big celebration takes place on the Saturday before the the 17th and this year it was no different. The annual party that Cousin Pat and Zach throw was at Cody's this year and it was a great time. I could only stay for a little bit as I had a wedding to go to later in the day, but it was a great chance to catch up with a lot of friends. I hope everyone had/has a wonderful day and congratulations to Jack McKinney and his new wife Susan. It was a beautiful celebration and they are an awesome couple. Lastly, enjoy this song from the Chieftans and the Corrs.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Daniel Day - Lewis

In keeping with the Lewis theme, does anyone really know a whole lot about Daniel Day-Lewis? Wikipedia has a pretty cool write-up on him and so you can take it for what it's worth, but a lot of what is written there is all stuff I have heard before. I think the best thing about Mr. Day-Lewis is that at one point in his life he became a shoemaker while living in Italy? Talk about someone with strong convictions.

He is definitely a unique person and truly one of the most gifted actors of his generation, maybe all-time. He uses method acting where he keeps in character during the whole filming of the movie, even when he is not being filmed. Can you imagine meeting up with him off-set while he was filming Gangs of New York? That would be crazy! Anyways, I think he is unreal to watch and he definitely deserved his Oscar this year.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mind the Gap

I will be the first to admit that I am not the biggest Juliette Lewis fan, but I cannot help but think that she appeared in one of the best TV commercials of all time. If you have not seen the ad, I will put it here below, but before I do, does anyone else agree with me about Miss Lewis? She just comes across as being strange, but maybe that is her quirkiness and I am just not getting it. Never met her and probably never will, and who knows, maybe she is a really cool girl. I guess I will always wonder. Either way, here is one of the best TV commercials I have ever seen.

In case you are wondering who sings the song from the commercial, it is Daft Punk and the song is called "Digital Love." A great song....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Finally I am getting out of town here for a few days. I am really looking forward to it, should be a nice little break. I certainly can use it! Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend, see you next week!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday night

For those of us who have work tomorrow, tonight is just like any other Sunday and so I will be getting to bed here soon. Everyone else that has tomorrow off, you are lucky and enjoy the day, I am sure it will be nice not hearing the alarm go off on a Monday morning!

I am just watching the NBA All-Star game here and I wanted to point you all to a great article in the Chicago Tribune today. For those who remember the 1988 All-Star game, it was held here in Chicago and Michael Jordan was the MVP of the game. Was there any doubt that would be the case? Anyways, the article is a pretty cool read as it talks about how the game was Jordan's coming out party and how the game actually meant something back in the day. It was competitive and it was not just all dunks and fast breaks. Take a read if you get the chance. And goodnight!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Say some prayers

Working at an AM radio station, you tend to get the news as it is happening and today was no different. This afternoon on John Williams' show on WGN Radio, John was taking calls from students who were reporting news about a shooting at a school. I quickly checked and the news was not on there and so the calls coming in were literally some of the first words on this tragic event. My heart goes out to all the people and families affected by the tragedy today at Northern Illinois University. It is a shame that another college shooting has happened again and I hope that this will be the last time this will ever happen. I will be saying prayers tonight for everyone involved.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Another Brennan Baby?

Congratulations to Cousin Chris and Cousin Eva on the birth of baby Nora!! So very happy to welcome another Brennan into this world. Nora joins little brother Aidan and the good news is that everyone is doing well. Looking forward to meeting the new one here soon and finally getting to see the new house in Valpo. A special congratulation to Uncle Tom and Aunt Becky on welcoming in grandchild #3.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Been a while....

It has been a very long time since I have written and so I thought I would get back to writing a little. First things first, the cool class that I took a few months ago that I talked about in my last entry was a sewing class. It was really cool and I made a pillowcase that I gave to my Mom for Christmas. The class was at The Needle Shop and I would recommend to anyone the classes they offer. Definitlely worth a try, it was a sweet time. And now that I have taken their intro class, I can now sign up for the second class - pajama pants making. Wouldn't that be fun?

As for everything else, I am ready for this weather to really be over! Wow, it has been quite the brutal winter and I am ready for spring - it cannot come here any sooner. I am looking forward to it.....

I went bowling this past weekend and it was really fun. What better way to forget about the cold and have a good time? Check out this video of possibly the best bowling shot ever. I have no idea how he did this!!

And tomorrow is little Chris' birthday! Happy birthday Stauff, the big 2-4! Can't believe you are getting older. Enjoy your day, you deserve the best as you are an amazing brother.

Okay, well I promise I will get back into this and write more often. As I have said before, it is time for change...